Results for 'Iván Darío Toro-Jaramillo'

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  1.  27
    La libertad como el punto de encuentro para la construcción de la confianza en las relaciones humanas.Carlos Vargas-González & Iván-Darío Toro-Jaramillo - 2021 - Isegoría 65:09-09.
    This paper proposes freedom as the condition of possibility for the construction of trust in human relationships. The methodology used is a review of the scientific literature of the most recent moral and political philosophy. As a result of the dialogue between different positions, it is discovered that freedom, despite being present in the act of trust, is forgotten in the discussion around trust, a forgetfulness that has as its main causes the assumption that trust is natural and the confusion (...)
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    Tendencias en la investigación teológica latinoamericana.Manuel David Gómez Erazo, Ivan-Darío Toro-Jaramillo & Waldecir Gonzaga - 2024 - Franciscanum 66 (181):1-42.
    Para identificar las tendencias de la investigación teológica latinoamericana se hace una Revisión Sistemática de Literatura sobre 494 artículos de siete revistas teológicas de alto impacto en este continente, teniendo presente como marco teórico las definiciones de la Teología Latinoamericana, de la Liberación y del Pueblo, en el contexto actual de la Iglesia Católica, a propósito de los desafíos para una Teología en contexto y en salida. Con una metodología mixta, se miden varias dimensiones de las publicaciones como, por ejemplo, (...)
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    Palabras sobre Dios en contextos de comunidades periféricas de Medellín.Jonathan Andrés Rúa Penagos & Iván Darío Toro-Jaramillo - 2020 - Perseitas 9:319-346.
    Este artículo analiza las “palabras sobre Dios” de cinco comunidades eclesiales periféricas de Medellín, a través de un método hermenéutico y etnográfico. Lo anterior se desarrolla en dos momentos; el primero, caracteriza la población sujeto y objeto de estudio; y el segundo, identifica la visiones y atributos de Dios que estas personas poseen desde la experiencia de lo religioso. Se concluye que la mayoría de las personas que participaron del estudio suponen la existencia de Dios, lo conciben como un ser (...)
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    La naturaleza de la confianza: Hobbes y Spaemann en diálogo.Carlos Vargas-González & Ivan-Darío Toro-Jaramillo - 2022 - Universitas Philosophica 39 (79):125-152.
    Esta investigación pone en diálogo las posiciones de Hobbes y de Spaemann respecto a la naturaleza de la confianza, para lo cual se asume una postura hermenéutica. Los principales resultados de esta arrojan que para Hobbes la confianza ha de ser aprendida, pues la desconfianza es lo primero con lo que se encuentra el ser humano; mientras que, para Spaemann, el hombre es un ser confiado y aprende a desconfiar. Como efecto de este diálogo se descubre que ambos autores tienen (...)
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    I believe in God: Content analysis of the first article of the Christian faith based on a literature review.Jonathan A. Rúa Penagos & Iván D. Toro Jaramillo - 2020 - HTS Theological Studies 76 (1):1-7.
    Today, there are different understandings of the first article on the content of the Christian faith, for which an analysis from a theological perspective is necessary. This research sought to reveal the meaning of the first article on the content of the Christian faith in recent theological works that have been produced, through the use of a hermeneutic exercise, conducting a bibliometric and categorical analysis and using NVivo software to analyse the qualitative data. We concluded that the recent theological literature (...)
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    El enigma del espíritu moderno: (ensayos).Iván Darío Arango - 2000 - Medellín, Colombia: Editorial Universidad de Antioquía.
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  7. Presentación.Iván Darío Carmona - 2009 - Escritos 17 (39):10-12.
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  8. Ficción en tierra de mito: escritura y fundación en América Latina.Iván Darío Carmona Aranzazu - 2009 - Escritos 17 (39):520-540.
    Ficción y mito son algo más que lenguajes o formas narrativas, son estructuras arquitectónicas a través de las que se fija el pensamiento y su forma manifiesta de aparecer en la cotidianidad; este texto pretende rastrear la fundación de América Latina a través de la literatura en su forma de ficción y mito.
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  9. Libertad o destino: el laberinto de la condición humana.Iván Darío Carmona Aranzazu - 2015 - Escritos 23 (50):13-21.
    ¿Estamos los seres humanos predeterminado o somos creadores de nuestro propio destino? La respuesta puede ser inmediata, algo parecido al texto de Erich Fromm que nos sirvió de epigrafe, o demorarse un poco en algunas consideraciones históricas que nos permitan hacer el recorrido de aquello que hemos pensado a lo largo de una historia en la cual no nos conformamos con simplemente ser o existir, sino que buscamos razones que expliquen esos modos de ser y de existir, intentando claridad sobre (...)
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  10. Descartes según el orden de los problemas.Iván Darío Arango - 1991 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 4:11-24.
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  11. Don Quijote. La razón de la locura.Iván Darío Carmona Aranzazu - 2015 - Escritos 23 (51):301-307.
    Es paradójico cómo la vida suele entenderse de manera menos equivocada desde la ficción, la realidad en sí y por sí se convierte en una trampa donde la razón que la justifica termina por dibujarle sus propios barrotes. Tal vez lo que sucede es que la razón no tiene tan completamente asegurada una razón, de la misma manera que la locura no está ausente de razón y de sentido; es evidente que siempre hallaremos una razón en la locura y una (...)
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  12. Nota del editor.Iván Darío Carmona Aranzazu - 2016 - Escritos 24 (53):259.
    El presente número de la Revista Escritos recoge algunos artículos cuyos resultados fueron presentados en el II Congreso Iberoamericano de Bioética e Investigación, llevado a cabo por la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana en convenio con la Corporación Universitaria Lasallista, entre el 17 y 19 de agosto de 2016. Así mismo, se incluyen algunas de las ponencias leídas por los invitados centrales del evento.
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    Deslizarse en la superficie. A propósito del ensayo.Iván Darío Carmona Aranzazu - 2017 - Escritos 25 (54):13-19.
    ¿Cuántas imágenes hacen un poema? ¿Cuántas palabras se necesitan para construir un pensamiento? Vemos palabras de la misma manera que vemos árboles y casas, pero no vemos el bosque ni la ciudad como no vemos el poema y el pensamiento; lo verdaderamente esencial de ambos permanece oculto a nuestra simple y cotidiana mirada. El ojo y el oído se han acostumbrado a ver y a oír, es natural, es lo que se espera de dos órganos que están hechos para cumplir (...)
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    Descartes y la invención del sujeto.Iván Dario Arango - 1995 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 12:47-64.
    La fundamentación de la física clásica llevó a Descartes a encontrar en el "ego cogito" la condición necesaria de todas las representaciones posibles: los conceptos de materia y de movimiento, tal como los exigía la nueva ciencia fueron concebidos por él inicialmente en una forma extremadamente racionalista, lo cual convirtió al "yo pienso" en el sujeto, en el fundamento de todo lo que puede ser real. Algunos científicos han sostenido que el "yo" según Descartes supone una tal preeminencia de la (...)
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    Descartes según el orden de los problemas.Iván Dario Iván Dario - 1991 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 4:11-23.
    El objeto de este artículo consiste en señalar las relaciones entre el método, la física y la metafísica cartesianas. Puede afirmarse que a partir de la idea básica de como debe ser la ciencia, Descartes concibe su física y fija el mecanicismo como la condición de toda explicación y de toda inteligibilidad; de estos se siguen las consecuencias metafísicas concernientes a la distinción del cuerpo y del alma y los temas finales de su unión que tanta claridad aportan sobre los (...)
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    Presentación.Ivan Dario Carmona Aranzazu - 2008 - Escritos 16 (37):340-342.
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    Deslizarse en la superficie. A propósito Del ensayo.Iván Dario Carmona Aranzazu - 2017 - Escritos 25 (54):13-19.
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    Equipo para la determinación del trabajo físico en humanos.Jose Gerardo Cardona Toro, Luís Fernando Jaramillo Correa & William Ardila Urueña - forthcoming - Scientia.
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    Lineamenti tardomoderni di storia della filosofia contemporanea.Dario Sacchi & Ivan Pozzoni (eds.) - 2013 - Morolo (FR): IF Press.
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    Design and Validation of an Observational Instrument for the Technical-Tactical Actions in Singles Tennis.Gema Torres-Luque, Ángel Iván Fernández-García, David Cabello-Manrique, José María Giménez-Egido & Enrique Ortega-Toro - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Iván Darío Arango.Karen Saavedra Escobar - 2011 - Praxis Filosófica 24:213-219.
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    Latin American Perspectives on Globalization: Ethics, Politics, and Alternative Visions.Linda Martín Alcoff, Debra A. Castillo, Santiago Castro-Gómez, Rafael Cervantes Martínez, Felipe Gil Chamizo, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, Jorge J. E. Gracia, María Mercedes Jaramillo, María Pía Lara-Zavala, Eduardo Mendieta, Walter Mignolo, Iván Petrella, Roberto Regalado Álvarez, Mario Sáenz, Ofelia Schutte & Leopoldo Zea (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    From the most prominent thinkers in Latin American philosophy, literature, politics, and social science comes a challenge to conventional theories of globalization. The contributors to this volume imagine a discourse in which revolution requires no temporalized march of progress or takeovers of state power but instead aims at local control and the material conditions for human dignity.
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    Physiological and Anthropometric Determinants of Performance Levels in Professional Futsal.Damir Sekulic, Haris Pojskic, Ivan Zeljko, Miran Pehar, Toni Modric, Sime Versic & Dario Novak - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    There is an evident lack of studies examining the pursuit of excellence in futsal. The aims of this study were to evaluate anthropometric and physiological variables that may contribute to distinguishing among performance levels in professional futsal players and to evaluate correlates of those variables. The participants were 75 male professionals (age = 25.1 ± 5.1 years, body height = 182.3 ± 6.2 cm, body mass = 80.8 ± 10.4 kg), who were divided into performance levels using two criteria: (i) (...)
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    Ronald Dworkin: Una biografía intelectual, edición y traducción de Leonardo García Jaramillo (2021), Trotta, 320 p.Iván Garzón Vallejo - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):337-342.
    Mi comentario se divide en tres partes que obedecen, sin método ni exhaustividad, a las tres facetas que más me han interesado de Dworkin y que esta biografía me permitió revisitar: su faceta de intelectual público, su liberalismo ético o perfeccionista y un breve colofón sobre su generosidad académica.
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    Metaficción y crimen en tres novelas colombianas.Clemencia Ardila J. - 2012 - Co-herencia 9 (17):115-130.
    Se propone en este trabajo estudiar un nuevo tipo de novelas caracterizadas por la presencia simultánea de lo metaficcional y lo negro. Estas novelas, bien pueden ser leídas como la historia de un crimen, o bien, como una narración acerca de la literatura misma, del proceso de creación y configuración de un mundo ficcional. Para demostrar la que podría considerarse como una nueva tendencia de la literatura latinoamericana se estudiarán tres obras de dos narradores colombianos: Darío Jaramillo Agudelo (...)
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    El Docente como Gerente en la Calidad del Aprendizaje y Trabajo en Equipo (The Teacher as a Manager in the Quality of Learning and Teamwork).Fabiola Jarrín Jaramillo - 2012 - Daena 7 (2):61-72.
    Resumen. Este estudio de naturaleza descriptiva-explicativa pone énfasis en la calidad de aprendizaje, los beneficios de aptitudes y actitudes del docente como gerente participativo y la eficiencia que tiene un buen trabajo en equipo. En conjunto estos objetivos se enfocaron en la participación activa de todos sus actores para la toma de decisiones, implementando un liderazgo compartido y un poder socializado para que exista una responsabilidad compartida y se busque una meta en común, dejando atrás antiguas metodologías de enseñanza, evaluación (...)
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  27. Knowledge, Individualised Evidence and Luck.Dario Mortini - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (12):3791-3815.
    The notion of individualised evidence holds the key to solve the puzzle of statistical evidence, but there’s still no consensus on how exactly to define it. To make progress on the problem, epistemologists have proposed various accounts of individualised evidence in terms of causal or modal anti-luck conditions on knowledge like appropriate causation, sensitivity and safety. In this paper, I show that each of these fails as satisfactory anti-luck condition, and that such failure lends abductive support to the following conclusion: (...)
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  28. Moral intuition, strength, and metacognition.Dario Cecchini - 2023 - Philosophical Psychology 36 (1):4-28.
    Moral intuitions are generally understood as automatic strong responses to moral facts. In this paper, I offer a metacognitive account according to which the strength of moral intuitions denotes the level of confidence of a subject. Confidence is a metacognitive appraisal of the fluency with which a subject processes information from a morally salient stimulus. I show that this account is supported by some empirical evidence, explains the main features of moral intuition and is preferable to emotional or quasi-perceptual views (...)
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    Framing a Phenomenological Mixed Method: From Inspiration to Guidance.Kristian Moltke Martiny, Juan Toro & Simon Høffding - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite a long history of researchers who combine phenomenology with qualitative or quantitative methods, there are only few examples of working with a phenomenological mixed method—a method where phenomenology informs both qualitative and quantitative data generation, analysis, and interpretation. Researchers have argued that in working with a phenomenological mixed method, there should be mutual constraint and enlightenment between the qualitative and quantitative methods for studying consciousness. In this article, we discuss what a framework for phenomenological mixed methods could look like (...)
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  30. (1 other version)The Explanationist and the Modalist.Dario Mortini - 2022 - Episteme:1-16.
    Recent epistemology has witnessed a substantial opposition between two competing approaches to capturing the notion of non-accidentality in the analysis of knowledge: the explanationist and the modalist. According to the latest advocates of the former, S knows that p if and only if S believes that p because p is true. According to champions of the latter, S knows that p if and only if S's belief that p is true in a relevant set of possible worlds. Because Bogardus and (...)
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  31. A new solution to the safety dilemma.Dario Mortini - 2022 - Synthese 200 (2):1-17.
    Despite the substantial appeal of the safety condition, Kelp (J Philos Res 34:21–31, 2009; Am Philos Q 53:27–37; Good Thinking. A Knowledge First Virtue Epistemology, Routledge, London, 2018) has raised a difficult challenge for safety-theoretic accounts of knowledge. By combining Gettier-style fake barn cases with epistemic Frankfurt cases, he concludes that no formulation of safety can be strong enough to predict ignorance in the former and weak enough to accommodate knowledge in the latter. In this note, my contribution is two-fold. (...)
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    Counterfactuals in the Initial Value Formulation of General Relativity.José Luis Jaramillo & Vincent Lam - 2021 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 72 (4):1111-1128.
    How precisely to understand and evaluate counterfactuals can be an intricate issue. The aim of this article is to examine a new set of difficulties for evaluating counterfactuals that arise in the context of the dynamical spacetimes described by the theory of general relativity (GR). The initial value formulation provides us with a methodology to pin down the specific combination of features of the theory at the origin of the difficulties, namely, non-linearity and certain non-local aspects (typically captured by ellipticity (...)
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    Negative mental representations in infancy.Jean-Rémy Hochmann & Juan M. Toro - 2021 - Cognition 213 (C):104599.
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    Moral judgment in realistic traffic scenarios: moving beyond the trolley paradigm for ethics of autonomous vehicles.Dario Cecchini, Sean Brantley & Veljko Dubljević - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    The imminent deployment of autonomous vehicles requires algorithms capable of making moral decisions in relevant traffic situations. Some scholars in the ethics of autonomous vehicles hope to align such intelligent systems with human moral judgment. For this purpose, studies like the Moral Machine Experiment have collected data about human decision-making in trolley-like traffic dilemmas. This paper first argues that the trolley dilemma is an inadequate experimental paradigm for investigating traffic moral judgments because it does not include agents’ character-based considerations and (...)
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  35. Dual-process reflective equilibrium: rethinking the interplay between intuition and reflection in moral reasoning.Dario Cecchini - 2021 - Philosophical Explorations 24 (3):295-311.
    Dual-process theories of the mind emphasize how reasoning is an interplay between intuitive and reflective thinking. This paper aims to understand how the two types of processing interact in the moral domain. According to a ‘default-interventionist’ model of moral reasoning intuition and reflection are conflicting cognitions: intuitive thinking would elicit heuristic and deontological responses, whereas reflection would favour utilitarian judgements. However, the evidence for the default interventionist view is inconclusive and challenged by a growing amount of counterevidence in recent years. (...)
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    Counterfactuals in the Initial Value Formulation of General Relativity.José Luis Jaramillo & Vincent Lam - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science:axy066.
    How precisely to understand and evaluate counterfactuals can be an intricate issue. The aim of this article is to examine a new set of difficulties for evaluating counterfactuals that arise in the context of the dynamical spacetimes described by the theory of general relativity. The initial value formulation provides us with a methodology to pin down the specific combination of features of the theory at the origin of the difficulties, namely, non-linearity and certain non-local aspects, in particular when combined with (...)
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    Experiencing the Conflict: The Rationality of Ambivalence.Dario Cecchini - 2024 - Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (1):1-12.
    Ambivalence, i.e., the simultaneous holding of negative and positive evaluations toward the same object, is an empirically well-documented phenomenon and an important aspect of ordinary experience. However, it has not received sufficient philosophical attention. This essay accomplishes two aims: first, a comprehensive and empirically informed account of ambivalence is provided; second, the rationality of ambivalence in practical and nonpractical contexts is defended.
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  38. The reliability challenge to moral intuitions.Dario Cecchini - 2024 - Neuroethics 17 (2):1-13.
    In recent years, the epistemic reliability of moral intuitions has been undermined by substantial empirical data reporting the influence of cognitive biases. This paper discusses and elaborates upon a promising strategy in response to the reliability challenge to moral intuitions. The considered argument appeals to the fact that moral intuitions are experienced with different levels of strength and agents accept only strong intuitions, not vulnerable to bias under realistic circumstances. This essay aims to reconstruct this defense from the reliability challenge (...)
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  39. The medicalization of life.Ivan Illich - 1975 - Journal of Medical Ethics 1 (2):73-77.
    Two contributions from Dr Ivan Illich follow. The first, in which he sets out his primary thesis of the medicalization of life, is a section from Dr Illich's book `Medical Nemesis'. (It is reprinted with the permission of the author and his publishers, Messrs Calder and Boyars.) The second is a transcript of the paper which Dr Illich read at the conference organized by the London Medical Group on iatrogenic disease. Both are ultimately addressed to the recipients of medical care, (...)
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    Reconstrucción teórico-conjuntista de la Teoría Pictórica del Tractatus de Wittgenstein.Juan Manuel Jaramillo - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 56:247-272.
    En este escrito me propongo presentar una reconstrucción à la Suppes de la Teoría pictórica, representacional o figurativa del lenguaje propuesta por L. Wittgenstein en el Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus para mostrar los límites del pensamiento, o más precisamente del lenguaje como expresión sensible del pensamiento, sobre el presupuesto de la existencia no explícita por parte de su autor de un isomorfismo entre la estructura del lenguaje, como expresión sensible del pensamiento, y la del mundo; de suerte que, para que el lenguaje (...)
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    The Hermeneutic Circle of Data Visualization.Dario Rodighiero & Alberto Romele - 2020 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 24 (3):357-375.
    In this article, we show how postphenomenology can be used to analyze the Affinity Map: a data visualization that reveals the hidden dynamics that exist between individuals within large organizations. We make use of the Affinity Map to expand the classic postphenomenology that privileges a ‘linear’ understanding of technological mediations and introduce the notions of ‘iterativity’ and ‘collectivity.’ In the first section of the paper, we discuss both classic and more recent descriptions of human-technology-world relations in order to transcendentally approach (...)
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    ¿El amor todavía hace parte de la vida buena?Eva Illouz & Mateo Jaramillo Amaya - 2024 - Co-herencia 21 (40):15-31.
    En lo que sigue voy a hablar solamente del amor en la modernidad, y si empecé por el Banquete de Platón fue para subrayar el hecho de que el amor ha estado conectado al discurso sobre las virtudes. Así, por todas estas razones, podemos afirmar que el amor ha sido parte de la vida buena, y que la mayoría de las teorías modernas de la vida buena no pueden prescindir de él (la vida buena se entiende aquí en el sentido (...)
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    The origin of DNA:RNA hybridization.Dario Giacomoni - 1993 - Journal of the History of Biology 26 (1):89-107.
    Besides its use in basic research, the DNA:RNA hybridization technique has helped the development of genetic engineering: it is instrumental in the isolation of specific genes that can be inserted into foreign cells, thus modifying their genetic information. Plants, animals, and microorganisms can now be altered to yield improved crops, pest-resistant plants, and a cheaper source of important proteins or drugs. The social relevance of genetic engineering received official sanction in 1980 when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that genetically modified (...)
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    Reverse correlation in neurophysiology.Dario Ringach & Robert Shapley - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (2):147-166.
    This article presents a review of reverse correlation in neurophysiology. We discuss the basis of reverse correlation in linear transducers and in spiking neurons. The application of reverse correlation to measure the receptive fields of visual neurons using white noise and m‐sequences, and classical findings about spatial and color processing in the cortex resulting from such measurements, are emphasized. Finally, we describe new developments in reverse correlation, including “sub‐space” and categorical reverse‐correlation. Recent results obtained by applying such methods in the (...)
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    A Multitasking General Executive for Compound Continuous Tasks.Dario D. Salvucci - 2005 - Cognitive Science 29 (3):457-492.
    As cognitive architectures move to account for increasingly complex real‐world tasks, one of the most pressing challenges involves understanding and modeling human multitasking. Although a number of existing models now perform multitasking in real‐world scenarios, these models typically employ customized executives that schedule tasks for the particular domain but do not generalize easily to other domains. This article outlines a general executive for the Adaptive Control of Thought–Rational (ACT–R) cognitive architecture that, given independent models of individual tasks, schedules and interleaves (...)
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  46. La ética de la experimentación en el hombre del proceso de Núremberg a los comités de ética.Roberta Minacori, Dario Sacchini, Marina Cicerone, Nunziata Camoretto & Antonio Spagnolo - 2011 - Medicina y Ética 22:417-474.
    El artículo analiza cómo la revista Medicina e Morale ha afrontado en su historia el tema de la ética en la experimentación clínica, que representa una parte muy amplia y compleja de la bioética y también de la deontología médica. Los aspectos que esta temática comprende son ya numerosos y la literatura producida ingentísima. La ética de la experimentación ha recibido particular impulso y atención a continuación de diversas experimentaciones no éticas que han turbado profundamente la opinión pública y hecho (...)
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    Linguagem, memória e religião no pensamento de Maurice Halbwachs.Dario Paulo Barrera Rivera - 2019 - Horizonte 16 (51):1177.
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    Health technology assessment : ethical aspects.Dario Sacchini, Andrea Virdis, Pietro Refolo, Maddalena Pennacchini & Ignacio Carrasco de Paula - 2009 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 12 (4):453-457.
    “HTA is a multidisciplinary process that summarizes information about the medical, social, economic and ethical issues related to the use of a health technology in a systematic, transparent, unbiased, robust manner. Its aim is to inform the formulation of safe, effective, health policies that are patient focused, and seek to achieve best value” (EUnetHTA 2007). Even though the assessment of ethical aspects of a health technology is listed as one of the objectives of a HTA process, in practice, the integration (...)
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  49. Etiological Proper Function and the Safety Condition.Dario Mortini - 2023 - Synthese 202 (6):1-22.
    In this paper, I develop and motivate a novel formulation of the safety condition in terms of etiological proper function. After testing this condition against the most pressing objections to safety-theoretic accounts of knowledge in the literature, my conclusion will be the following: once safety is suitably understood in terms of etiological proper function, it stands a better chance as the right anti-Gettier condition on knowledge.
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    Historical Reality and Political Aesthetics after Jacques Derrida and Bernard Stiegler.Dario Cecchi - 2020 - Open Philosophy 3 (1):257-265.
    The article aims at showing how far the technologies of audiovisual registration affect not only the ontology of images but also our sense of realism in politics and history. As argue Jacques Derrida and Bernard Stiegler, historical events have become “tele-events” after the birth of these technologies. Our handling with images has changed accordingly. As argues Pietro Montani, we no longer consider them as “copies” of real objects but rather as “occasions” for initiating processes of “validation” of history. Hannah Arendt’s (...)
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